Refund & Cancelation~

Cancellation Policy

At Giftyan, we understand that sometimes orders may need to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Here is our cancellation policy to ensure transparency and customer satisfaction:

  1. Order Cancellation by Giftyan: In rare instances, we may need to cancel your order if the product is out of inventory or does not meet our quality standards. If this occurs, the refund will be credited to your account promptly.
  2. Order Cancellation by Customer: If you wish to cancel your order, please note the following conditions:
    • Orders for non-cancellable products cannot be canceled once placed. However, we will review your request and assist where possible.
    • The customer can not cancel an order after the product has been dispatched.
    • If you cancel your order within the permissible timeline, a 2.5% fee will be charged to cover payment gateway charges. The remaining balance will be refunded using the original payment method.

Returns & Refunds Policy

At Giftyan, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. However, due to the nature of our products, please review our returns and refund policy below:

  1. Non-Exchangeable, Non-Refundable, Non-Returnable Products: All products, once sold, cannot be exchanged, refunded, or returned.
  2. Defective Products: If you receive a defective product, please email us at or call our Customer Care at +91 9147374151 within 24 hours of receipt. Eligible orders will be exchanged for the same SKU, subject to stock availability.
  3. Return Conditions: Returned items must not be used, washed, altered, tampered, or soiled. All original packaging, labels, tags, leaflets, manuals, warranty/guarantee cards, freebies, and accessories must be intact. We will only accept returns with these items.
  4. Return Process:
    • We do not provide pick-up services for returns. Customers must courier the package and share the airway bill (AWB) with us.
    • We will process your exchange request for eligible items upon receipt and successful quality check of the returned product.
  5. Damage During Reverse Delivery: Giftyan is not responsible for any damage caused during the return shipment of the product.


Refund Eligibility: Refunds should be more generally provided. However, if we are unable to process an exchange for a defective product, the following refund procedure applies:

    • Credit or Debit Card Payments: A full refund will be credited to the original payment method within 4-10 working days.
    • Cash on Delivery Orders: Refunds will be processed to the customer’s bank account using the details provided by the registered email for the order.
    • Store Credit/Gift Vouchers/Promotions: Refunds will be issued as an online store credit, redeemable later on

By placing an order through, you agree to the above conditions. Any disputes you raise regarding these terms will be waived without any demand for claims, compensation, or expenses.